- πBuild, Access, Analyze: Introducing ARCH (Archives Research Compute Hub) | Internet Archive Blogs
- πThe Performance Inequality Gap, 2023 - Infrequently Noted
- πCan I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
- πWhoCanUse
- πColorable
- I Finally got Around to Adding an RSS (Atom) Feed
- πHome - Blind SVG Study Guide
- πLibrary of Babel
- πSpace Elevator
- πhtml - How to style dt and dd so they are on the same line? - Stack Overflow
- πSCS: Self-Contained Systems
- πA Conspiracy To Kill IE6
- πredbean β single-file distributable web server
- πGoogle Search Is Dying | DKB
- πJournal of Open Source Software: ConTEXT Explorer: a web-based text analysis tool for exploring and visualizing concepts across time
- πBonsai | Web Browser for Research
- π273: Weird Browsers - CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
- πWrite Articles, Not Blog Postings
- πDear researchers scraping data from this subreddit. Please follow these guidelines and message the moderators about your research : Drugs
- πOptimizing HTTPS on Nginx
- πRemi Rampin / taguette Β· GitLab
- πUnpoly: Unobtrusive JavaScript framework
- πWeb Architecture from 50,000 feet
- πExploring What the Details and Summary Elements Can Do - CSS-Tricks
- πMarc J. Zeitlin's UNOFFICIAL "COZY" Web Page
- πm15o Web Home
- πStatus Cafe
- πSanitizing text fragments β Bleach 4.0.0 20210803 documentation
- πHosting my static sites with nginx
- πJohn Doeβs page
- πhey, look at us.
- πLissa Explains it All -- HTML Help and Tutorial for Kids
- πWiki History Game
- πSQLime - SQLite Playground
- πThe Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral | Hapgood
- πQuickstart β goose3 3.1.10 documentation
- πDraggabilly
- πCommon Crawl
- πHome | CollectionBuilder
- π[this is aaronland] continuous partial mythologies
- πStructured Data | 2021 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
- πJSON-LD - JSON for Linking Data
- πKids who grew up with search engines could change STEM education forever - The Verge
- πAppwalls and their apps are destructive to the open web. - Airbag Industries
- πMarginalia Search
- πNeeva - Ad-free, private search
- πCORS playground - JakeArchibald.com
- πHow to win at CORS - JakeArchibald.com
- πGephisto
- πHow to run a small social network site for your friends
- πBrutalist Web Design
- πFrank Chimero Β· Everything Easy is Hard Again
- πThe Single-Page-App Morality Play βΒ Baldur Bjarnason
- πWhose relevance? Web search engines as multisided relevance machines - Sundin - - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology - Wiley Online Library
- πGitHub - Cykelero/timefind: Search a website's history.
- πWhich type of novelty-seeking web developer are you? βΒ Baldur Bjarnason
- πUS Soldiers Expose Nuclear Weapons Secrets Via Flashcard Apps - bellingcat
- πTwo articles on SPA or SPA-like sites vs alternatives β Piper Haywood
- πThe right tag for the job: why you should use semantic HTML - localghost
- πFixed Table Headers | Adrian Roselli
- πUser Inyerface - A worst-practice UI experiment
- πThis is Fine: Optimism and Emergency in the Decentralised Network | The New Design Congress
- πLibrarians turned Google Forms into the unlikely platform for virtual escape rooms - The Verge
- πWe Could, but Should We? | Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
- πThis Website Will Self Destruct
- πConnected Papers
- πMottl/GetOldTweets3: A Python 3 library and a corresponding command line utility for accessing old tweets
- πTodayβs Javascript, from an outsiderβs perspective | Lea Verou
- πElectric Zine Maker (a work in progress, be gentle, hug it often) by alienmelon
- πLaTeX.css β Make your website look like a LaTeX document
- πSecond-guessing the modern web - macwright.org
- πTABIX - Open source simple business intelligence application and sql editor tool for ClickHouse Database.
- πThe Web We Lost
- πWeb Design Experiments by Jen Simmons
- πNew York Times APIs | Dev Portal
- πInternetβs safe-keepers forced to postpone crucial DNSSEC root key signing ceremony β no, not a hacker attack, but because they can't open a safe β’ The Register
- πThe Website Obesity Crisis
- πThe Other Road Ahead
- πLecture Notes | The Army that Never Existed: The Failure of Social Bots Research
- πThe Social Graph Is Neither (Pinboard Blog)
- πItty Bitty Sites
- πOld CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad
- πAltaVista β The Tragic Tale Of The Search Enigine Pioneer - Digital.com
- πWhy Craigslist Is Such a Mess | WIRED